Is It Too Late For a Bird to Learn?

Photo by Dave Location: Moab, UT Kissing: Camelot Macaw "Comet"

It’s never too late for a bird to learn; whether it’s learning to stop screaming, stop biting, fly for the first time or trick train or merely step up on a stranger... don’t give up on your bird by not ever giving it the chance by just assuming it’s too late. We’ve had 85 year old macaws learn how to be quiet on cue, and 35 year old obese amazon parrots learn to free fly safely outdoors. We’ve had 25 year old macaws learn trick training for the first time and learn to love the social interaction it gave him with people. Even 2-3 year old macaws who had flown away and been found again successfully learn free flight outdoors instead of having to be clipped. We’ve had 10 year old parrots learn how to get along with younger and older birds in the same aviary, parrots of practically every age range learn to fly and so on and so forth... The possibilities with your parrot are literally endless if you’re willing to give it your all. I saw someone ask this question on facebook about their bird and just felt compelled to write an entire blog post on it because I feel like if one person thought that it was too late for their bird to learn, then A LOT of other people must think the same thing. Even if you can’t come near your bird without it flipping out, it’s not too late. It’s never ever too late! Get yourself a course and get started. Your bird will literally transform from the training (which is really just the right type of attention) and don’t be afraid to ask for help, post blog updates on your progress or lack thereof, and admit your mistakes. You won’t learn otherwise. People learn through mistakes so they aren’t something to be ashamed of. You should only be ashamed if you never try.   Some things to get you started on training your bird right now:
  1. The Power Pause training technique (for getting close to your bird)
  2. Bird training courses

Article by Jamieleigh Womach. She has been working with parrots and toucans since the age of 17. She isn’t homeless but is home less than she prefers to be. She travels the world with her husband, daughter, and a flockful of parrots whom she shares the stage with.



Hi so… me and my brother got two budgies way way too young and did not know how to properly take care of them, they are now 4-5 years old and my parents always told me it’s too late to take them out of the cage you will just scare them but I can tell they are not happy and I hate that I can’t do anything more, I keep doing research to see what I can do and stumbled across this post, does anybody have any tips on how I can slowly get them out of the cage without hurting themselves? Only one of them comfortably sits on my finger the other still doesn’t want to be near me. I really want my birds to be happy, I need help…

Janice Vena

I just bought a 19 yr. old blue & gold female macaw at a pet store. She was surrendered, the owner said she can say about 2 or 3 words. Is it to late to train her to talk, because of her age?

Janice Vena

Hi I got a 3 year old Indian ringneck yesterday he has been locked in a cage for 3 years won’t let anyone by him his nails are bad he looks health tho do you have any advice for me please


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