
Goal Tracker

  • Goal Tracker
  • Goal Tracker
  • Goal Tracker


Goal Tracker

**Please Note: This is a digital product, not a physical product. Once you go through checkout you will be sent a follow up email with a link to access your content. You can also always access all of your digital content through your account with us.**

Set Yourself Up For Success

This is something we say a LOT here at BirdTricks, and it is because it is something that a surprising number of people do not do. A lot of people tend to flounder with their birds - no goal in sight and no plan of making things better. This has about the same results as someone who says they are going to start a diet on January 1st but has no clue what that diet will entail, what will help them stick to that diet and a plan for when things get hard with their diet.  

Goals are what help keep us on track, whether with our birds or with our New Year's diets. Goals are things that cannot be done immediately either - they need to have steps taken, progress monitored and notes about improvement written down. For example: "feed my bird this morning" is not a goal, it is a to-do list, whereas "get my bird to eat 5 healthy vegetables by the end of the month" is a goal. Goals are defined, measurable, and have an estimated time of completion.

Whether you are wanting to work on diet, tricks, flight skills or just general behavior, having a list of goals is paramount to your success. That's where our Goal Tracker PDFs can help you - stick them on your fridge, in a binder, or wherever else you may need them, and remember to always set yourself up for success!

Do you need additional help reaching your goals?
Jamie and Dave offer private consultations that can help!! Please check out our consultation page here and email us at for more details.

**Please Note: This is a digital product, not a physical product. Once you go through checkout you will be sent a follow up email with a link to access your content. You can also always access all of your digital content through your account with us.**