Getting Parrots to Talk in Front of You

Photo by Jamieleigh Location: Duluth, Georgia Playing: Blue throated macaw "Jinx"  I have some super exciting news to share! Jinx finally started talking! And it's so adorable if I do say so myself. His first "word" was mimicking my laugh, so I didn't totally count that and I'm the only person he won't really do it in front of. He only does i...
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A Funny Amazon Parrot Story

Photo by Jamieleigh Location: Moab, Utah Flying: Blue fronted Amazon parrot "Storm" I received this email from my dear friend Jeanne, who has Storm. I just had to share it, as it had me rolling this morning! Today was a pretty painful day for me and so I didn't do a great deal of moving around. That is until I decided I had completely had en...
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Does Your Bird Wish You Good Night?

Before putting my birds to bed every night, I always say, "Night night" while either turning lights off or kissing them goodnight and closing the door. They used to vocalize with quick chirps to acknowledge it was bed time, but eventually they all picked up on it and began saying "night night" on their own when they realize it's getting dark. ...
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Whispering Parrot

Have you ever noticed birds tend to listen really intently when you whisper to them? At least that has been my personal experience... My 4 year old galah, Bondi, loved when my mom would whisper to her. And she would breathe the same way as my mom when listening to her whisper. I guess I got it from my own mom to do it with my 1.5 year old, Ban...
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Amazon Parrot Talks on Cue

Remember that Blue fronted Amazon parrot I took in for around 45 days? Well, his owners Jeannie and John have been clicker training him ever since they got him home and it is going so well! Not only is he flying around the house for them and not showing any aggressive behavior anymore, but he is now talking on cue! Check out the video above to...
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Parrot Tricks: Talking on Cue

  I've been wanting to get my cockatoo Bandit to say "I love you" on cue for a while now and half the battle is figuring out what I want the cue to be. I decided it would be really cute if I could say, "Bandit, what do you say when a pretty girl kisses you like this?" and then kiss him, and he would say, "I love you!" So basically the cue is...
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