Valentine’s Day Crafts For Parrots

Bondi enjoying a Don’t Break My Heart Crisp from our Holiday Cookbook found at

Pets make the most loyal Valentines, don’t they? I sure think so. That’s why it’s important to take holidays to remember why you love your feathered Valentines soooo much. Here are some fun ways you can express your love to your parrot!

Crafts, to me by the way, mean both edible ones and non-edible ones! When I say rope in any posts, I’m referring to ropes like manilla which break instead of fray. OR just keep a ...

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Reflecting On Life With Parrots

Galah eating Eucalyptus flowers

Galah/Rosebreasted Cockatoo eating Eucalyptus Flowers


At the start of each year, I tend to reflect on the past. This year I’m asking the question: If you could go back in time to when you got your first bird, what is the one thing that you would tell yourself or wish that you’d known?


I used to think the answer to that would be “Birds don’t just eat seed” because I look back on the birds I had as a ...


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A Bird Tricks Success Story: Meet Kiki the Conure!

I am very excited to share with you our first Bird Tricks success story in this series. I really love this story because it is a great example that even in a “perfect” situation, problems will inevitably arise in raising a parrot over its lifetime and we need to be both willing and prepared as caregivers to meet the challenges as they come.


Kiki, the Green Cheek Conure

Samina Ansari ...


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Tips For an Indoor Cage Set-Up

Nemo & Merlin

Rosebreasted Cockatoos/Galahs

I received a message from a friend asking for help with her Galah/Rosebreasted Cockatoo’s cage setup. In short, she was struggling for inspiration and trying to deal with several problems. She wanted to know what I would do differently? She sent me a photo of the ‘bare bones’ of her cage setup. Which means that she sent me a picture of her cage without its normal arrangement of toys and foliage in order to make ...

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Are You A Good Parrot Owner Or A GREAT One?

African grey

Bird ownership is hard. It is inconvenient. It requires a lot of forethought and planning and sometimes we have to go out of our way to make special concessions for the bird that needs a little extra consideration. Sometimes is is just plain confusing.

We all have our shortcomings as bird owners. None of us are perfect. We are human and it is impossible for us to see things from a bird’s point of view, try as we might.

I had a conversation with someone recently whose african grey was having ...


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Let Your Bird Dry Itself After a Bath

Rosebreasted Cockatoo/Galah

When I was a child, I used to worry about what happened to birds when it rained. I’d lie in bed at night, listening to storms wondering how birds kept warm at night if they got wet? I figured they’d find a sheltered perch and ride it out but as perches are branches and branches move in wind and wind happens in storms, I’d still wonder how they did it?


When I was older, I started attending wildlife ...


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