Treat Size

I get asked a lot about ideal treat sizes for birds to train with and often times in our masterclasses I will see people trying to use something the size of a nutriberry or a half almond for a single repetition. An ideal treat is: Something eaten/consumed QUICKLY (so the bird doesn't forget what he/she did to earn it in the first pl...
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Ways to Sneak Good Foods Into Your Picky Eater’s Diet

Congo African Grey Parrot

Some of my flock have great, healthy appetites.  Some, not so much. We have to come up with some pretty clever ways to outsmart the picky eaters for their own good. Determine what your parrot’s favorite foods are, and then make some variations to the recipe.

*Remember, be very sneaky!  Cut the veggies very small and use them sparingly at first.  In this battle to good health, you are using his favorite foods as coercion.  You don’t want him to get suspicious and walk away from them. His ...

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