Wasps and Birds


A European Wasp eating Lorikeet wet food.

Generally speaking bugs aren’t a major issue for birds. Birds are largely protected by their feathers, which make it significantly less likely for them to be stung or bitten by a bug. There are some exceptions to this though. I’ve written before about my encounters with a parasitic fly – the Hippoboscidae Fly. Another exception would be mosquitoes that might be carrying diseases (especially if you keep a species of bird with exposed facial skin ...


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What To Do When Your Hormonal Bird Gets Mean

Bluethroated macaw

This season seems to be handing out more than the average share of hormones to our companion birds. Oddly, I am hearing reports of rotten behavior from bird owners all over the world – even in places where it is autumn and not spring. I wish someone would do some research to explain why this sometimes happens.

Why are there some seasons so much worse than others on such a universal scale? Is there an unusual atmospheric condition that is triggering hormones that we don’t recognize? And while researchers are ...

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Project Perry Works Toward A New Aviary For Special Needs African Greys

Enjoying the warmth of the heated section of the aviary on a cold winter day

There is a big difference between parrot rescues and parrot sanctuaries. Parrot rescues are faced with a daunting challenge. Their goal is to take in unwanted, sometimes very ill and emotionally unsettled parrots and make them right again so they are adoptable. In most cases, rescue birds are transient. If all goes to plan, they eventually find a home, leaving an open cage for another unwanted bird. I have unlimited respect for those who are able ...

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Is It Safe To Do Home Repairs Around Birds

Q: I have 2 cockatiels who mean the world to me and my husband. We are doing some renovation on our home and we were wondering if this could be dangerous for the birds.

-Chloe J., Paramus, NJ

A: I am glad you thought to ask this question beforehand because some of the procedures and supplies used in common renovation can be harmful to birds.

The main concern is air quality – that always presents the biggest danger to birds during remodeling. A bird’s respiratory system is remarkably efficient and dynamic, ...


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Why You Shouldn’t Let Your Birds Breed

blue throated macaws

I think this spring season has been the hardest one I have dealt with in a very long time. My two formerly egg-less female birds have both produced their first eggs this year – in the case of my goffins cockatoo, the only one in 28 years. It is an ongoing battle that calls for constant changes to the environment to keep her and Libby, my quaker, from any further laying.

The male cockatiels spend every second of their out of cage time in the search for someplace dark ...

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A Bird Tricks Success Story: Meet Puppy the Black Cockatoo!

The momentum of success is powerful. Every time I read another success story of people applying what they learn through the Bird Tricks training program, it inspires me to work harder with and devote even more time to enriching the lives of my own birds. I hope it makes you feel the same.

I particularly love this next story about a resourceful 15 year old girl who got her cockatoo to eat his veggies, all through the power of flight training.




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