Can I Serve Dried Fruit Instead of Fresh?

My severe macaw won’t touch fresh fruit.  Can I give him dried fruit? -Lonia G.,   Boston, MA

Dried fruits have a lot of advantages.  It lasts a long time, it is an easy snack if you are traveling and because there are no bacteria harboring juices, it works great in foraging toys and stays fresh in the cage all day. There are, however, some things you should be aware of.

When fruits are dehydrated, the process shrinks them to a fraction of their original size.  The concentration of sugar becomes very high and because they ...

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Fresh vs. Frozen vs. Canned Veggies and Fruits

Q:  With the economic times being as they are, we can’t afford organic veggies.  Is it okay to serve our birds regular produce?

A:  Times are tough.  We are all tightening our belts and following our budgets to the letter.  When it comes to our bird’s diets, it’s important that we do the very best we can, everyday.  The most important thing is that we keep the veggies coming, in whatever form is the most affordable and practical for our budget.

Organic veggies and fruits do have a lot to offer: ...

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Image by Zdeněk Chalupský from Pixabay 

It is fall, which makes it cranberry season again. YAY!  I don’t think there is any other fruit my birds have more fun with.  When you think about it, it’s half food, half toy.  My birds enjoy playing with cranberries as much as they enjoy eating them.  I watched one of my cockatiels rolling a whole cranberry around with his beak for about a half hour once.  They are fun to drop from a height because they are firm and they bounce.  They make ...

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