Dangerous Air Borne Contaminates

Harlequin macaw

Our parrot’s respiratory systems are entirely unlike our own or that of other mammals. It is unique in design and far more efficient. Because of this fact, their sensitivity to pollutants in the air is heightened and can cause them suffering and death long before we would ourselves be affected.
We have all heard the stories about the canaries used in coal mines back in the day. Miners would place a cage of canaries in the mines. This was to determine if there were emissions of natural gases, which ...

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Bird Safe Heaters

Military macaw

The winter months are fast approaching and some of us may find it necessary to provide an additional heat source in our bird’s spaces.  It is never 100% safe to bring any electrical appliance around our birds, with those big, nosy beaks investigating every little thing, but it is sometimes necessary. We must be aware of the dangers involved, and diligent in our watchfulness.
If it possible to seal window leaks to solve the problem, that would be preferable.  Some houses are just drafty and this may not provide ...

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