Do Parrots Really Have a Preference For Men or Women?

Rose Breasted Cockatoos and African Grey

I have heard so many times that a certain parrot doesn’t like women, or that another prefers them. I have myself had a parrot that didn’t care for men – loved my daughter, liked me, hated my ex-husband.  Smart bird.

I was even told once that a female parrot is more likely to do well with a male human, and vise versa.  Where does this preference come from? Were they born with it? I don’t think so.

Often, a bird that has been placed in a rescue ...

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Does Your Parrot Need a Playmate?



I have a 2 1/2 year old cockatiel. I refer to her as a she, but I don’t really know what her sex is.  I called her Bobbi, just in case.  A couple of months ago I bought a mirror for her cage, and she sits there by the mirror staring at herself for long periods of time.   We are very bonded, but I am wondering now if she’s lonely and needs another bird to keep her company. Should I get ...

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