Calcium Deficiency: A Big Problem For Parrots

Camelot macaw

Camelot macaw

I rely heavily on my bird’s healthy diet. It has taken years to get some of my more difficult birds to eat the foods I want them to with consistency. However, it has proven to be the most worthwhile effort I have ever put into my birds. I have always firmly believed that proper diet will maintain the appropriate balance for a healthy bird. A good diet is the first line of defense against disease ...

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The Benefits of Sunshine For Parrots

I have done a post or two on this topic in the past but think it’s important enough to re-visit it from time to time. Please take the time to read this to learn, or give yourself a reminder, about the many benefits of sunshine for parrots.

Companion parrots have a very different lifestyle from those of their wild cousins. As much as we try to provide them with a great diet and an active environment, there are few alternatives available for captive parrots that offer the same health benefits ...

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Safe Use Of Full Spectrum Lighting

I did a post about a year ago on full spectrum lighting.  Since that time, some new information and findings have been brought forward. We are continually learning that our human solutions to our birds' problems are not always right on the money the first time around. This information is important to be aware of when we are choosing lighting and its positioning.  Following are the best parts of a very helpful and informative thread I read on one of the many great bird boards out there in ...

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Why Proper Lighting Is Important For Our Indoor Birds

Umbrella Cockatoo

Natural sunlight varies as seasons progress and ebb.  It is the intensity and duration of light that tells a bird that it is breeding season, and when to molt – it regulates it’s cyclical clock and adjusts metabolism. Ultraviolet light strengthens the immune system and works with the glandular system in the synthesis of vitamin D, which through a series of processes, increases calcium absorption.  This means healthier and stronger bones and beaks, and improved feather production.  Additionally, a bird’s vision and perception is dramatically enhanced.  Our parrots ...

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